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Archive for September, 2011

Day Eight

September 20, 2011

Time: 30 minutes


Today, I went across to my neighbor’s garden and got a couple pictures, but I like this one because of the contrast with the dark background and brightly colored flowers.

A flower!

Day Seven

September 19th, 2011

Time: 15 minutes


Today, while exploring, I stumbled upon this ring of mushrooms, which is know as a fairy ring, which was really cool, but from this angle, only a part of it can be seen.

A ring of mushrooms

Day Six

September 18, 2011

Time: 45 minutes


Today I visited a different park for a picture. On what I believe is a magnolia tree there were really cool seed pods that had some insects that resemble stink bugs, but to be honest, I have no idea what they were. But they stayed nice and still for me to take some pictures.

Until next time,


Day Five

September 27, 2011

Time: 1 hour


Yesterday I had a moment of inspiration and a use for my light box that I created a while back. I wanted to catch the splash of a drop of water. The light box provided a great medium to take the pictures in. I used a bowl of water  and a turkey baster (we had no eye-droppers so improvisation was necessary) to set up the shot, and then I used a 10 frames-per-second setting to capture the water much simpler. The result of 400 pictures was about 10, and here is my favorite of them.

Until next time,


Day Four

September 26, 2011

Time: 15 minutes


Today I saw some pretty clouds before school, so there you have it, my picture of the day.

Until next time,


Day Three

September 25, 2011

Time: 30 minutes


Yesterday I wanted to try some night photography. I used a spotlight and long exposures to make a few pictures, but a little experiment with a lamp post proved to be my favorite picture that I had taken and thus the picture of the day.

And I decided to include one of my spotlight pictures as well. I like that the beam of light can be seen.

Until next time,


Day Two

September 24, 2011

Time: 2 hours


Today my friends and I went to visit a local park to have some fun and for me to take some pictures recreationally as well as for this project. While walking on one of it’s trails I founda mushroom that will be today’s picture.

Until next time,


Day One

September 23, 2011

Time: 1 hour


Today, the first day of Autumn, I went to my backyard to search for a good picture to start my project off with. I originally wanted to do a sunrise to symbolize the beginning, but the conditions were not favorable to that. 

Instead of a sunrise, I will share with you a spider that seemingly posed for me! 

Until next time,


Meeting with my Facilitator

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Time: 1 hour


Today I met with Mr. Worsham, my facilitator for a little educational lesson. We met at Starbucks in Riverstone in the morning.

We started off talking about what I’m going to do during my project which starts Friday. He also tells me of a picturesque spot to take a picture in the mountains that he says that he will find where it is, because he could not remember specifically where it was.

Then we got into conversation about shutter speed, aperture, exposure, ISO, and depth of field.

Shutter speed is the time a camera’s shutter is open, which dictates how long the image sensor is exposed to light. A faster shutter speed (like 1/1000 of a second) would stop motion and make even moving object look still. A slower shutter speed will

Aperture controls how much light reaches the image sensor by changing the size of the opening. A larger opening has a low f-stop number (the measurement of aperture) and lets more light reach the sensor. A smaller opening has a high f-stop number and lets less light reach the sensor.

Exposure is the combination of shutter speed and aperture. A photograph may be overexposed (too much light reached the image sensor) or underexposed (not enough light).

ISO is how sensitive the sensor is to light. If the ISO is higher the sensor will be more sensitive to light and the photo will be brighter. If it is a low ISO, the sensor is not as sensitive to light and the picture will be darker.  Higher ISO also make pictures more noisy (pixelated), so higher ISO is to be used with caution.

Depth of field is the range of a picture that is in focus. Aperture is the main contributer to depth of field. A large depth of field (a large range of what is in focus) is the result of a small aperture (which is a high f-stop number, isn’t that confusing?) such as f 22 or f 28. A small depth of field (a small range of what is in focus) is the result of a large aperture (which is a small f-stop number) such as f-2.4 or f3.4.

The rule of thirds is a method of composing a picture. It says that the subject of a picture is more attractive to the eye if it lays on any third of picture (vertically or horizontally). It’s hard to explain with words, but it’s simple to see visually.

That is a basic summary of what we talked about, and I feel that it will really help my photography!

Until next time,


Tent of Light

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Time: 3 hours


On Sunday, I made a home-made light tent, which is a photographic tool that provides a white background and soft lighting to photograph still items, which I plan to use during my project.

I based my design off this DIY guide, but made minor adjustments based mainly on available resources.

My light tent!

Until next time,


Getting Aquainted

Saturday, September 10th, 2011

Time:  8 hours


Today I went out with some friends to a park and to a bonfire and I decided to bring my camera along for a little practice and fun. I had a really great time, and actually got quite a few good pictures. This was the first extended use of my camera and I was relatively comfortable with the camera, although some guidance would greatly help, I think. I plan to meet with my facilitator in the next week or two before I start taking the pictures that my project will be comprised of.

Here are a few of the pictures:

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Until next time,


Welcome To My Blog

I am an aspiring photographer.

I am interested in developing my skills for a hobby and means of expression and creativity.

The project I am working on is to take a picture each day of the official season of autumn.

I have created this blog to document a school project, and I will observe the school district’s Acceptable Use Policy for electronic media