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Archive for November, 2011

Day Sixty Nine

November 30, 2011

10 minutes


The daily pot of coffee, a necessity in my household. 


Day Sixty Eight

November 29, 2011

25 minutes


To be completely honest, I have no idea why the leaf turned out to be purple, but I do like it, so it is my photo for today.

Day Sixty Seven

November 28, 2011

10 minutes


This is also from my grandmother. This is a little bell on a string attached to many other similar bells, and they have a very unique chime when rung.


Day Sixty Six

November 27, 2011

25 minutes


I stopped by the local park today and among one of the trails was a mushroom, and was a little different than other ones I’ve seen.

Day Sixty Five

November 26, 2011

10 minutes


This lamp is a really cool lamp that was passed down from my grandmother. When you touch any of the metal part, the light turns on, and when touched again, it turns off.

Day Sixty Four

November 25, 2011

10 minutes


I love the water, and I also love being on the water. This is my canoe that is fairly new.

Day Sixty Three

November 24, 2011

25 minutes


For this one, I laid on the ground right next to the tree to give that perspective. I feel like doing this will make the picture have a meaning, and will trigger something different for everyone.

Day Sixty Two

November 23, 2011

15 minutes


I had taken a picture earlier today of my dog with the intention of it being my picture for today, but when the night approached, the sky was this beautiful shade of purple, and I promise no editing was done to the picture.


Day Sixty One

November 22, 2011

10 minutes


I was in a thoughtful mood when I took this picture, and I feel it has kind of a metaphorical meaning.

Day Sixty

November 21, 2011

30 minutes


Here’s a picture of a wooden figurine that I took while messing with lighting!


Day Fifty Nine

November 20, 2011

45 minutes


Today I got to play with these adorable chicks that were born just hours before.

Day Fifty Eight

November 19, 2011

20 minutes


Today, I was tired and only got a limited time to take a picture, and what became of that it a purposefully blurry picture of purple garland, but I like it still.

Day Fifty Seven

November 18, 2011

2 hours


Yesterday, my last day in Chicago, I visited a science and industry museum, and they had a machine that was a large, circular container that spun and had multiple colors of sand. You could control the speed of the rotation of the container, and the sand would act differently at different speeds. I took a somewhat long-exposure picture of it, and it turned out pretty well.

Day Fifty Six

November 17, 2011

3 hours


The second day in Chicago produced probably my best picture thus far, and most likely of my entire project. I took the picture at the exact right time, and was rewarded with this.


Day Fifty Five

November 16, 2011

2 hours


I’m writing this several days later, because I have not had access to a computer while I visited Chicago for a couple days. Here’s a cool picture of the skyline of Chicago.

Day Fifty Four

November 15, 2011

15 minutes


Earlier, I saw this blue barrel with water from last night’s rain in it, and water is one of my favorite things to take a picture of so far.

Day Fifty Three

November 14, 2011

30 minutes


Another day of pet-sitting, and thus another day of photography of Athena. Too bad today is the last day of having her, she’s a great dog.

Day Fifty Two

November 13, 2011

20 minutes


Today we began pet-sitting this beautiful pitbull named Athena. She’s very energetic, and fun to take pictures of.

Day Fifty One

November 12, 2011

15 minutes


You may be wondering what the picture is… It’s a motion blur picture of the chain on cog on a bicycle.

Day Fifty

November 11, 2011

10 minutes


I unintentionally took a picture through a screen two days in a row, but this time, it’s because there was actually a subject and it was on the other side of the screen

Day Fourty Nine

November 10, 2011

25 minutes


Shooting pictures through a window screen has cool effects! I just kinda stumbled onto that effect through pure experimenting.

Day Fourty Eight

November 9, 2011

10 minutes


One of the few remaining flowers left alive in my yard.


Day Fourty Seven

November 8, 2011

15 minutes


I took this on the set of filming with some friends. The giant light stands gave some nice light.

Day Fourty Six

November 7, 2011

15 minutes


The clear sky behind a lamp-post in front of a local coffee shop is my photo for today, I had relatively little creativity today.