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Archive for December, 2011

Day Ninety (The last day of Autumn)

December 21, 2011

25 minutes


I wanted to start the collection of photos with a sunrise, and end with a sunset, but the sunrise didn’t quite pan out, but here’s the sunsetting on the last day of Autumn

I really enjoyed this project.

Day Eighty Nine

December 20, 2011

10 minutes


If you’re wondering what that is, it’s a glimpse into my lens. It is from a mirror that magnifies, so I got an interesting look into the camera.

Day Eighty Eight

December 19, 2011

15 minutes


I was in Atlanta today, and I saw a pigeon. Since they’re relatively fearless for a bird, I got pretty close to get the picture.

Day Eighty Seven

December 18, 2011

25 minutes


I got a cool opportunity to take a picture of this bird, and I feel bad about forgetting the kind of bird it is, but nevertheless, it’s one of my best shots, even though it’s a little blurry.


Day Eighty Six

December 17, 2011

1 hour


Today, me and my friends recorded some music, so I took a picture of the mixer I was using.

Day Eighty Five

December 16, 2011

20 minutes


Today I was in a building, and it had this hallway that used to be outside and it had interesting depth to it.


Day Eighty Four

December 15, 2011

10 minutes


My mom was about to throw out an apple today because of this bad spot, but before that happened, I got a picture of it.

Day Eighty Three

December 14, 2011

20 minutes


My beautiful mother being goofy. And the black and white is not from editing, I took it that way, for clarification.


Day Eighty Two

December 13, 2011

30 minutes


This picture is interesting. I decided to try something completely new. I had a somewhat long shutter speed, a small aperture, and during the open sutter, I zoomed in, to create a zoom effect.


Day Eighty One

December 12, 2011

10 minutes


Nothing too special today, just my dog laying at the end of the couch.

Day Eighty

December 11, 2011

25 minutes


Today, I messed around with the panorama feature on my camera, it’s pretty cool.



Day Seventy Nine

December 10, 2011

10 minutes


Today I baked cookie, and I then took a picture of them, pretty simple.

Day Seventy Eight

December 9th, 2011

15 minutes


As I have found myself doing a lot recently, I took an every day object and put a little bit different perspective on it.

Day Seventy Seven

December 8, 2011

10 minutes


Today we hung this handmade glass sphere, and I like it. It add’s a nice touch to our house.


Day Seventy Six

December 7, 2011

10 minutes


I was once again exploring my backyard, and I found a tree with some fungi on it, so naturally, I tried to take a picture from a different perspective.


Day Seventy Five

December 6, 2011

1 hour


Today I spent quite a bit of time just walking around taking pictures, and I came back to the chain that I took a picture of early on, and I think this one’s better, so I guess that means I have made some progress!


Day Seventy Four

December 5, 2011

5 minutes


Today I didn’t have to venture far to get a picture. I walked outside of my room, and the sun was just right.

Day Seventy Three

December 4, 2011

10 minutes


Today was a rainy kinda day, so I stayed inside and took a picture of my cute dog laying on the couch.

Day Seventy Two

December 3, 2011

30 minutes


Today was another day that I was in the right place at the right time. I was looking around, and I saw a leaf detach from a high branch of the tree I was under and I was determined to get a picture of it. As it turns out, I got the picture against all my expectations.

Day Seventy One

December 2, 2011

10 minutes


Today I went outside, like usual, and looked into a lamp that is out there, and there was a insect in there, but as I was taking the picture it flew out, but regardless, I got a good picture.


Day Seventy

December 1, 2011

15 minutes


Almost all the plants around my house have died at this point. This was one of the last to go.